
5. 以get为中心的词组

get about 徘徊,走动,旅行;流传

get above oneself 自视高傲

get accustomed to 习惯于,对~~习以为常

get across 度过,通过,横过;说服,使理解

get ahead of 胜过,超过

get along 前进,进步;同意;离去

get along with 与~~相处

get at 发现,了解;掌握;攻击

get away 离开,逃脱

get back 取回,回来;报复

get behind 落后;识破

get down 咽下;写下;使沮丧,使抑郁

get down to 认真对待,静下心来

get familiar with 熟悉

get hold of 获得,取得

get home 到家

get in 进入,陷入;牵涉

get off 送走;脱下(衣服);下车;动身

get on 上车;穿上;进步,使前进;成功;相处

get upon with 进步;在~~方面获得成功

get one’s hand in 熟悉;习惯

get out of 由~~出来,从~~得出;避免;退休

get over 越过;恢复,痊愈;克服;完成

get ready for 为~~作准备

get rid of 除去,去掉;免除,摆脱

get through 到达,完成,通过;及格

get together 积聚,积累;商谈,取得一致意见

get up 起床,起立;研究,钻研;致力于;安排,组织

get used to 习惯于

have got to do 不得不,必须

6. 以give为中心的词组

be given to 沉溺于,癖好

give about 分配;传播

give and take 相互迁就

give away 赠送;牺牲;泄露;颁发

give back 归还

give cause 给予~~的理由

give ear to 侧耳倾听

give forth 发出,放出;发表

give in 屈服,让步,投降

give in to 同意,接受;向~~让步

give off 发出(烟,气味)

give oneself out to be/as 自称为

give oneself up to 专心于;向~~自首

give out 分发,公布

give place to 让位于,被~~所替代

give rise to 引起,导致;使~~发生

give sb. to understand 通知某人

give up 放弃;停止

give way to 让步,退却;屈服于

9. 以put为中心的词组

put aside 把~~放在一边;搁置;排除

put away 把~~放好,把~~收拾;储藏;吃喝,吃掉

put back 把~~放回原处;驳回

put down 放下;镇压;制止;记下;削减;降落

put forward 提出;拨快;建议,推荐;提倡,倡议

put ~~ into 把~~放入;插入;翻译成

put off 推迟,延期;消除;推脱,推辞

put on 上演;穿上,带上

put one’s heart into 全神贯注,专心致志

put up 举起,挂起;提名,推荐;陈列

put up with 忍受,容忍

10. 以take为中心的词组

be taken aback 吃惊

take a seat 就坐

take a shower 淋浴,洗澡

take aim 瞄准,设立目标

take away 拿走,减去;夺去

take ~~ by surprise 出奇制胜

take care of 当心,注意;照顾;提防;谨慎;处理,对付;负责

take ~~ for 把~~当作

take off 脱去,除去;离开;起飞;模仿;起程;致死;复制,作副本;减弱

take office 就职,上任

take one’s place 就坐,入坐

take one’s temperature 量体温

take part in 参与,参加

take place = happen 发生,举行

take the place of 代替

take pride in 以~~为荣,对~~骄傲

take sb. by the arm 拉某人的胳膊

take it easy 别着急,慢慢来
